Christmas in Oulu

Christmas in Oulu

My second winter as a student in Oulu, I spent the entire Christmas break with my adopted friendship family, the Hannus family. When they picked me up from my student apartment complex near the university, I was ready to go. It had mostly cleared out for the break time with students scattering around the world, until studies resumed again in January.

Excerpts from Study Abroad: Joulu edition

Excerpts from Study Abroad: Joulu edition

Merry Christmas! Well, Christmas Eve at least! I am baking pulla with Nastya. Basically no one is here in Lapinkaari. That is ok. It makes using the kitchen much easier and I can sing in my room. On Thursday, I went out to the Turtola shopping area. Not as big as Lielahti, but still nice. I bought some ribbon that wasn’t on sale and then got some just like it at Tiimari in Tulintori for 70% off. Well, lets just say I’ll have enough “Hyvää joulua” ribbon for a while.

What is Finnfluence?

What is Finnfluence?

When you become interested in something relatively niche - say a country of 5.54 million like Finland - its people, languages, and cultures - you may feel like not many understand that or care to know what you know. However, it has come to my attention throughout my involvement with Finland, that this is simply not the case. Finland is definitely having a moment and has been for quite awhile. I am not sure if I can trace it back to a single point in time, but there have been waves throughout my life where Finland has popped into the news, Finnish design has appeared in unexpected places, or Finnish music transcends borders and ends up in the spotlight.

Recipes, recipes - calling for Finnish recipes!

Recipes, recipes - calling for Finnish recipes!

We realized that we now have enough recipes on our website to warrant some reorganization! There is a new way to navigate our Finnish recipe page. We finally remembered to add the two newest soup recipes - that we blogged about way back in September - to our main recipe navigation page. Thanks to those of you who have shared some soup recipes of your own! We will plan to do another soup recipe release sometime in the beginning of 2024.

What recipes would you like us to research and post to our page?